M&K Sound X15+ THX Dominus Subwoofer
M&K Sound X15+ THX Dominus Subwoofer
M&K Sound unveils new X+ Series line of THX Certified® Reference Subwoofers
Cosmetic makeovers for the X+ Series arrive in the form of recessed front baffles and convenient invisible magnetic grille attachment mechanisms. Harmonizing with the bold but Scandi-cool looks of the M&K S150 and S300 speakers, the new subwoofers offer cleaner lines and more discreet curved edges to complement living spaces or dedicated home cinema rooms.
- THX® Certification: THX® Certification Class Dominus
- Frequency Response: 16-200 Hz (Average Response in Room +/- 3 dB)
- Frequency Roll Off – THX EQ: 16 Hz (-6 dB 20 Hz Nearfield )
- Frequency Roll Off – Anechoic EQ: 16 Hz (-6 dB 20 Hz Nearfield )
- Variable Low Pass Filter: 40-125 Hz Continuously Variable / 4th Order
- Low Pass Filter Bypass: 40-200 Hz No Low Pass
- Fixed 80 Hz Filter: (Equivalent to THX 80Hz Ref Low Pass)
- Phase Control: 0 – 180 deg Continuously Variable
- Line level input/output: 2 x RCA phono Left / Right – input / output
- Line level input/output: 2 x XLR Left / Right – Input / output
- Amplifier type: Analog input / switch mode power output
- Drive unit: 2 x 15” Extra Long Throw
- System Principle: Push Pull Sealed enclosure
- Amplifier Power output RMS: 700 watt <0.5% THD at 300W into 4 ohms
- Amplifier Power output Peak: 1400 watt
- Standby Power Consumption: 0.5 watt 120W Average, 800W Max
- Headroom Limiter Maximizer: (Dynamic driver excursion control)
- Auto Power: detect on/off
- Finish: Satin Black
- Dimensions H x W x D: 83.3 x 51.5 x 46.0 cm
- Weight Netto: 61.1 kg
- Manual: Safety Manual included in packaging
- Accesories: Gloves, US/EU Power cords, Rubber Feet
Our installations with M&K Sound Subwoofers
- 5.1 Home Theater System
- 5.1 Home Theater System
- 5.1 Home Theater System
- 7.1 Home Theater System
- 7.1 Home Theater System
- M&K Sound X15+ Subwoofer – Shane Lee YouTube Video 2023
- M&K Sound X15+ Subwoofer – Sound & Vision June-July 2022
- M&K Sound X15+ Subwoofer – soundandvision.com – David Vaughn May 18, 2022
- M&K Sound X15+ Subwoofer – Home Cinema Choice – Reference Status
- M&K Sound Reviews
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